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Your Digital Marketing Specialist in New Haven: Why Email Authentication is Essential for Your Business

If you’re a business owner, you know how crucial it is to keep your communication lines open and secure. The Janice Christopher Marketing Agency, your digital marketing specialist in New Haven, is here to help ensure your emails get to your inbox and where they need to go.

What is Email Authentication?

Email authentication is a way to verify that the sender of an email is who they say they are. This ensures that your emails come from a trusted source. Earlier this year, email authentication became mandatory for sending emails to customers who use certain providers.

This blog from our digital marketing specialist in New Haven will walk you through specific policy changes, why email authentication is essential, the primary methods to complete it, and how we can help you complete this seemingly overwhelming task.

Recent Email Policy Changes

Recent changes to email authentication policies have significant implications for business owners. 

In 2023, the landscape of email authentication experienced changes aimed at bolstering security and reducing malicious email activities. One major shift was the increased enforcement of DMARC policies, which required domains to implement at least a tentative level of compliance or risk having their emails sent to spam. Additionally, several major email service providers, such as Google and Microsoft, started prioritizing emails from authenticated sources in their algorithms, impacting overall deliverability significantly.

This year, significant changes to email authentication policies have been implemented, impacting how businesses manage and send their emails even further. Companies are now required to send emails from a custom domain, ensuring authenticity through strict requirements. To improve user experience and reduce spam complaints, businesses must also include a one-click unsubscribe button in all correspondences, and maintain spam complaints below 0.3%.

These changes mean that businesses must ensure their email practices are fully compliant to avoid their messages landing in spam folders. While these changes may initially seem like a hassle, they ultimately protect your brand integrity and improve email deliverability, ensuring your messages reach your clientele effectively. As your dedicated digital marketing specialist in New Haven, we are here to help you understand and complete email authentication and keep your lines of communication open for business.

The Benefits of Email Authentication

Email authentication matters for a few key reasons:

  • Improves Deliverability: Unauthenticated emails are more likely to land in spam folders– which means your customers may never see your newsletter or important correspondence.
  • Protects Your Brand: Email authentication stops spammers from being able to use your domain to send fake emails.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Email authentication helps meet digital privacy and security standards.
  • Customer Trust: Email authentication ensures your emails reach your customers, builds trust, and reinforces your brand’s credibility.

Trust a digital marketing specialist in New Haven like The Janice Christopher Marketing Agency to help you with email authentication, website hosting and maintenance, and email marketing. Contact us today to learn more.

Why Email Authentication is Necessary

Email protocols are open, which unfortunately makes it easy for spammers to misuse email addresses. This is why reputable email marketing services ask you to verify your email address. However, some less scrupulous services don’t require any authentication- just payment- making it easier for spammers to do what they do best: spam.

To combat this, several email authentication methods have been developed, and are now beginning to be enforced on a larger scale. Here are the three most important ones:

1. Sender Policy Framework (SPF)

SPF lets you specify which servers are allowed to send emails on behalf of your domain. An SPF record lists server names or IP addresses permitted to send emails for your domain. Emails from unauthorized servers are likely to be blocked by spam filters. However, because anyone can look up your SPF records, using tools such as MXToolbox, it’s not the best way to prevent your domain from being spoofed.

2. DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

DKIM uses cryptographic signatures to verify an email’s authenticity. It involves generating two keys- a private key to sign outgoing emails, and a public key published in your DNS records for verification by incoming mail servers.

These private keys make DKIM a better option for protection over an SPF record alone.

3. Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC)

DMARC adds more features to SPF and DKIM for enhanced security. With DMARC, you can specify what to do if an email fails SPF or DKIM checks- whether to reject it or send it to the spam folder. DMARC also provides reports on failed authentication attempts, helping you troubleshoot email deliverability issues.

By using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC together, you can significantly reduce the risk of your domain being misused by spammers. As your go-to digital marketing specialist in New Haven, we are equipped to help you handle this task.

Setting Up Email Authentication: Get Assistance From a Digital Marketing Specialist in New Haven

Email authentication is a vital component of your digital marketing strategy, ensuring that your emails reach your intended recipients and that your brand remains credible. 

Setting up email authentication might sound complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. At The Janice Christopher Marketing Agency, we can handle this project for you as your digital marketing specialist in New Haven, ensuring you can send and receive important emails seamlessly. 

Beyond email authentication, our services include website design, hosting, and maintenance, as well as customer experience strategies to keep your audience engaged. Your website is your digital storefront, and we ensure it’s fast, secure, and reliable, hosted on the Google Cloud.

Ready to take your brand to the next level? Schedule a free consultation today and discover how we can assist you in becoming a trusted name in your industry.

Secure your communication channels and protect your brand with The Janice Christopher Marketing Agency- your go-to digital marketing specialist in New Haven. Schedule a free consultation, call us, or send us a message today!

Written by

Janice Christopher is no stranger to marketing, with 30 years of sales and brand management experience. Formerly a Certified Financial Planner, Janice decided to spread her wings and become a marketing consultant for small- to medium-sized businesses. As a business owner herself, she knows how to listen to clients, identify their needs – and then develop a strategy to help them WIN. But you catch more flies with honey, right? She has three different service models to get brands buzzing — based on just how much attention they need from our resident beekeepers. Janice is competitive, relationship-oriented and smart – out to sting the competition and get customers swarming to your door. Known as the Queen Bee of Marketing, Janice’s sweet-spot is taking the mystery out of marketing and bringing buzz to her client’s brands.

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