How to Use Social Media for SEO
Is your business utilizing social media to improve website SEO? The Janice Christopher Marketing Agency can guide you through the complex landscape of social media SEO, or take ove
How to Create Engaging Visual Content for Digital Marketing
Are you looking to revolutionize your visual content and digital marketing strategies? The Janice Christopher Marketing Agency can help. Our experienced team will ensure that your
Show Up in Search Results Using Voice Search
Optimizing for voice search allows businesses to reach a larger audience and stay ahead of their competition. The Janice Christopher Marketing Agency provides digital marketing ser
Social Media Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide For Your Local Business
Looking to get started with social media marketing for your local business? This beginner's guide will walk you through the basics of setting up a campaign, creating content and me
Investing in Marketing & Advertising as a New Haven, CT Local Business Owner
Digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract customers, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. The Janice Christopher Marketing Agency based in New Haven, Con
Get a Jump Start on Your 2023 Social Media Holiday Marketing Strategy
Raise a glass to the end of 2022! As the first quarter of 2023 begins, we’re guessing it’s not just sugarplum fairies dancing in your head. Most likely, it is thoughts